El Canto Del Pan

Resumen del libro

libro El Canto Del Pan

The Lords Prayer condenses the essentials of the message of Jesus and of the Christian spirituality. It shows the Gospel is not just a doctrine or a body of dogmas, but a filial relationship with the living God revealed to us as a Father. This is the good news which must resound in a culture full of hope-lacking myths. The Song of Bread is an up-to-date commentary to the Lords Prayer, combining biblical research and poetic lyricism. Scientific rigor and suggestions for a better life are combined in this reflection on the prayer that Jesus taught his followers.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 118
  • Autor: Ermes Ronchi
  • Tamaño: 1.59 - 2.28 MB
  • Descargas: 971

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