Playlist. Las Canciones De Mi Muerte

Resumen del libro

libro Playlist. Las Canciones De Mi Muerte

There was a party, and then there was a fight. The next morning, Sams best friend, Hayden, was dead. And all he left Sam was a playlist of songs and a suicide note: For Sam–listen and youll understand. To figure out what happened, Sam has to rely on the playlist and his own memory. But the more he listens, the more he realizes that his memory isnt as reliable as he thought. And it might only be by taking out his ear buds and opening his eyes to the people around him that hell finally be able to piece together his best friends story. And maybe have a chance to change his own. Playlist for the Dead is an honest and gut-wrenching first novel about loss, rage, what it feels like to outgrow a friendship thats always defined you–and the struggle to redefine yourself. But above all, its about finding hope when hope seems like the hardest thing to find.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 288
  • Autor: Michelle Falkoff
  • Tamaño: 1.80 - 2.31 MB
  • Descargas: 735

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