Libro Esencial De Postres Cetogénicos Para Principiantes

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libro Libro Esencial De Postres Cetogénicos Para Principiantes

Struggling to give up with carbs? Tired of searching for healthier options to remain on your Keto diet plan? The truth is… We all love sweet treats and desserts. But if you are on a Ketogenic Diet and want to lose weight then you should look for healthier options to remain on your diet plan. The solution is a complete cookbook with a ton of new sweet recipes which all have the calorie counts as well as the protein, total fat, and carbohydrate counts. With easy-to-follow recipes and a fully explained set of instructions for each of the treats, you will satisfy your cravings with healthy fats and low-carb foods. And that’s what you will find in Keto Dessert Cookbook. If you want the scoop on what you will learn, these are just a few of the topics you will discover as you seek your new way of eating: The Basics of Ketogenic Diet and Why is so Effective for Burning Fat The Benefit of Keto Diet and How to Understand if it Works for You Top 10 Foods You Should Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet Secret Ingredients Used in the Ketogenic Dieting Plan Tips and Tricks of Maintaining the Diet Plan without Suffering Hunger How to Make Delicious Desserts even when You’re in a Hurry Simple Techniques to Save Time and Money 50+ Ketogenic Recipes Including Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Bars, Fat Bombs, Tarts, Ice Cream, Smoothies, Candies, Pudding and Mousse Even if you are new to the Keto diet or you haven’t prepared a dessert in a long time, you will be able to prepare a healthy variety of sweets that will make your mouth water. You can indulge yourself by preparing any of the tasty snacks and desserts in this cookbook and still remain in ketosis. All you need to do is count the carbs. Just add this to your personal library and start having a delicious treat every day without the guilt-ridden thoughts of the carbs! Would you like to know more? Grab a copy today to enjoy delicious keto desserts!

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 108
  • Autor: Thomas Slow
  • Tamaño: 1.52 - 2.17 MB
  • Descargas: 647

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    Struggling to give up with carbs? Are you tired of searching for healthier options to remain on your Keto diet plan? The truth is... We all love sweet treats and desserts. But if you are on a Keto Diet and want to lose weight then you should look for healthier options to remain on your diet plan. The solution is a complete cookbook with a ton of new sweet recipes which all have the calorie counts as well as the protein, total fat, and carbohydrate counts. With easy-to-follow recipes and a fully explained set of instructions for each of the