Resumen del libro
Una ventana a ideas revolucionarias. Aunque La Madre de Gorky tiene quiza un exceso de retorica, es sin embargo una ventana a las ideas revolucionarias, en especial en el conmovedor retrato de la madre que decide tomar los rumbos de su hijo, cuando este es encarcelado por sus ideas. Pero mas importante que el argumento, es la excelente serie de retratos psicologicos, hechos con tal acierto que han colocado a Gorky como uno de los más penetrantes novelistas de la Rusia revolucionaria. Independientemente. A window to revolutionary ideas: Though The mother of Gorky probably has an excess of rhetoric, it is nevertheless a window to revolutionary ideas, especially in the touching portrait of the mother who decides to take the path of her son when he is imprisoned for his ideas. But even better than the argument, it is the excellent series of psychological portraits, done with such wisdom, that they have placed Gorky as one of the most penetrating novelists of the revolutionary Russia. Aside from the ideas that he tries to transmit, the keenness of the writer to show people from low classes who are raised by their idealism, is fascinating. Note: This is an audiobook in Spanish.
Ficha del Libro
- Autor: Maximo Gorki
- Tamaño: 1.72 - 2.30 MB
- Descargas: 2341
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