El ángulo Ganador (the Winning Angle)

Resumen del libro

libro El ángulo Ganador (the Winning Angle)

Great sports players understand angles! Readers are introduced to geometry in this exciting Spanish-translated e-book that uses easy-to-read informational text, STEM topics, eye-catching photos, and engaging practice questions to teach children about basic geometrical concepts including angles, lines of symmetry, perpendicular lines, and a vertex. Featuring challenging mathematical problems, helpful diagrams, and text features such as a glossary index, this digital resource will give Spanish readers all the tools they need to learn the winning angles!

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 32
  • Autor: Julia Wall
  • Tamaño: 1.69 - 2.14 MB
  • Descargas: 1728

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