Surfeando El Repunte Inmobilario

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libro Surfeando El Repunte Inmobilario

My intention is that this book could serve as a practical guide to both promoter interested in investing in the most vibrant real estate area of the USA, or the family that just wants to have a second home in the beautiful State of Florida, and at the same time making a good investment and have fun while performing the task. In these pages I will summarize with the greater honesty the information for the investor to know, step by step, what to do and what not to do in these times of economic turbulence and Real estate rebound. I Include data and tips acquired through my long career. Good and bad experiences of successes and errors that produced triumphs and failures and that today serve to strengthen the pillars of success. That is why Surfing the Real Estate rebound expresses a thought that has adapted well to my seaman mind and that, linking it to the Real Estate world I have endeavored to convey into concrete and practical ideas, complementing its text with maps, posters statistics, graphics, and web pages, that will help the reader to choose the type of Real Estate investment and decide the where and the when and know how and how much, to succeed even with limited capital. The book is presented in a simple manner as a guide so that the difficult and complex (and still the misleading) becomes easy and accessible, not trying just to give ideas for a real estate management exhaustive, but councils not to repeat the mistakes of misperception, avoiding those classic and unpleasant surprises , delays and unnecessary expenses, In order to run them correctly toward the type of investment that is more appropriate. After all, either to promote or live there, to build the house of their dreams it should not become a nightmare. Properly done, this task may result not only beneficial but comforting and pleasant. Taken from my 40 years of passionate experience in the real estate field, I share in Surfing the Real Estate Rebound the result of studies on a matter…

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 143
  • Autor: Enzo Anzellini
  • Tamaño: 1.99 - 2.12 MB
  • Descargas: 2079

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