Resumen del libro
Un libro revelador de la actual situacion economica a nivel mundial que ofrece estrategias de cambio en los mercados financieros y alerta sobre los riesgos en las inversiones, todo bajo la mirada lucida y visionaria de Robert T. Kiyosaki, creador del concepto Padre Rico, Padre Pobre. Aguda critica a los modelos economicos actuales e ideas audaces para enfrentar la crisis economica mundial, el mas reciente libro de Robert Kiyosaki plantea ademas las siguientes cuestiones: Podra Barak Obama sacar a Estados Unidos del conflicto economico? Cual es el papel de los grandes inversionistas internacionales en esta coyuntura economica mundial? Hacia donde se dirigen los mercados financieros? ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONIn late January, 2009, Robert Kiyosaki launched CONSPIRACY OF THE RICH – a free online book which was written in serial basis to help people understand how the current recession came about, and what they need to learn on how to survive through the coming rough years. An unprecedented publishing event for Kiyosaki and The Rich Dad Company, CONSPIRACY OF THE RICH is an interactive, Wiki-style project in which Kiyosaki has invited feedback, commentary, and questions from readers across the globe. The response so far has been totally fantastic. Millions and millions of readers have flocked to the website ( to read what Robert has to say about the recession, and the readers have posted thousands of comments. Some of those reader comments will even be included in the final tradepaper version.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 320
- Autor: Robert T Kiyosaki
- Tamaño: 1.73 - 2.24 MB
- Descargas: 910
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