La Carta De La Tierra En Acción

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libro La Carta De La Tierra En Acción

This will be a book to be proud of! –Ruud Lubbers, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Prime Minister of The Netherlands · First book on the Earth Charter · World famous authors · Presented to Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands, November 2005 · First print run (8,500 copies) already sold out · Available in English and Spanish · Large, full-color book The Earth Charter is an inspiring declaration of shared ethical principles. It arises from diverse sources–the wisdom of indigenous peoples, international law, contemporary science, and philosophical and faith traditions. It is an integrated vision of caring for all life, of universal human rights, of economic justice, and of the creation of a culture of peace. The Earth Charter in Action is a collection of over seventy thematic and descriptive essays inspired by Earth Charter, and demonstrating the rich diversity of its uses. It points toward the many possibilities of future utilization, including its ability to bridge the Islamic and Christian worlds and to work across the divide between the northern and southern hemispheres. Well known contributors include Homero Aridjis, A. T. Ariyaratne, Leonardo Boff, Kamla Chowdhry, Jane Goodall, Yolanda Kakabadse, Ruud Lubbers, Federico Mayor, Steven C. Rockefeller, and Erna Witoelar. Contributors are practitioners, experts, and Earth Charter activists from around the world. There is a special emphasis on contributions from youth. Includes an afterword by Princess Basma Bint Talal and seventy-five full-color illustrations. This book is published in cooperation with Earth Charter International, Costa Rica, and the National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development in The Netherlands.

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