Resumen del libro
Designed to be used with ANY Spanish reader or conversation text, this volume reviews virtually every aspect of modern grammar usage. It contains grammatical analyses of the structure of Spanish, plus an abundance of self-checking practice exercises. Chapter topics include verb form reviews, the correct and appropriate use of confusing verbs, expressions of probability, the Imperfect past vs. the Preterit Past, the subjunctive in noun, adverbial, and adjective clauses, commands, verb-object pronouns, passives and their equivalents, prepositions, comparisons, and much more. A reference guide for English-speaking students of the Spanish language.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 318
- Autor: James S Holton Norhma Gomez Estrada Roger L Hadlich
- Tamaño: 1.75 - 2.49 MB
- Descargas: 505
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