Resumen del libro
This book chronicles the spiritual evolution of a man living in India at the time of the Buddha–a tale that has inspired generations of readers. We are invited along Siddharthas journey experiencing his highs, lows, loves, and disappointments along the way. Hesse begins by showing us the life of a privileged brahmins son. Handsome, well-loved, and growing increasingly dissatisfied with the life expected of him, Siddhartha sets out on his journey, not realizing that he is fulfilling the prophesies proclaimed at his birth. Siddhartha blends in with the world, showing the reader the beauty and intricacies of the mind, nature, and his experiences on the path to enlightenment. Sherab Chodzin Kohns flowing, poetic translation conveys the philosophical and spiritual nuances of Hesses text, paying special attention to the qualities of meditative experience. Also included is an extensive introduction by Paul W. Morris that discusses the impact Siddhartha has had on American culture.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 169
- Autor: Carmen Grossi Hermann Hesse
- Tamaño: 1.55 - 2.20 MB
- Descargas: 2080
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