Resumen del libro
This easy, completely informal language-learning book is focused to teach English to boys and girls whose first language is Spanish. It dramatizes a day in the lives of children, starting as they wake up in the morning, and then taking them through a full day of work and play all the way to bedtime. All words and phrases are presented in Spanish, English, and with phonetic pronunciation. Hundreds of cartoon-style illustrations reinforce vocabulary retention and clarify word meanings as they occur in various contexts. Kids pick up skill in informal English usage when they follow a full days activity of boys and girls who are very much like themselves. A 90-minute audiocassette follows the books story and offers help in pronunciation. (Ages 7-12)
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 178
- Autor: William C Harvey
- Tamaño: 1.72 - 2.43 MB
- Descargas: 1014
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