Resumen del libro
This book is a serious effort to rescue the essence of the person and the legacy of JosE MartI (Cuba) (1853-1895), the most important man in Cuban history, who managed to bring the majority of the Cuban groups and personalities to launch the war of independence from Spain and leave a vision of what should be the republic. He was also a great orator, poet, journalist, and important personality in all countries of the Americas. The ideas of MartI have been changed for the benefit of the regime of the Castro and many Cubans, educated in the Island, have stopped to think about the true values that JosE MartI preached in his works, and by His example to die in front of the Spanish troops to deny freedom to the people of Cuba. With hundreds black & white photos. RaUl Eduardo Chao received his PhD from Johns Hopkins University and after a brief stint in industry spent 18 years as Full Professor and Department Chairman at the Universities of Puerto Rico and Detroit. In 1986 he founded a very successful management consultancy, assisting companies and government agencies to develop positive work environments and process improvement techniques as the means to secure improvements in productivity and quality. The Systema Group had as clients many Fortune 100 companies and Federal and State organizations, both in the US and abroad. Chao is the author of 14 previous history books, all skillfully documented with hundreds of photographs and quick biographies of all important characters. Complementing his narrative with timely images –many of them seldom seen in serious historical treatises– has been Chaos distinctive contribution to modern historiography.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 352
- Autor: Raul Eduardo Chao
- Tamaño: 1.76 - 2.29 MB
- Descargas: 505
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