Juego Diabolico

Resumen del libro

libro Juego Diabolico

Liam Hunter Blake hates the Reapers. He was born into the Devils Jacks and he knows his mission is to defend them against all enemies. Why should he use force when the president of the Reapers has a daughter? Hunter has wanted her since he first saw her. Em has always lived in the shadow of the Reapers, overprotected by her father Picnic, president of the club. The last time she introduced a boy to the members, her father threw a fit. Soon she meets a handsome stranger who treats her like a real woman. This man, Liam, is not afraid of her father and he is her dream guy, or so she thinks…

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 352
  • Autor: Joanna Wylde
  • Tamaño: 1.62 - 2.25 MB
  • Descargas: 1589

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