Hace Viento (it’s Windy)

Resumen del libro

libro Hace Viento (it's Windy)

Wind is a special kind of weather—people can’t always see it, but it’s there. Readers accompany a relatable narrator as they learn all about the wind. Joined by a colorful cast of friends and family, the narrator learns how to have fun on windy days. Colorful illustrations depict scenes of kite flying and fluttering leaves, while accessible text encourages readers of all levels to get involved with reading. This title is a perfect starter book for beginning readers or for reading aloud to younger children.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 24
  • Autor: Celeste Bishop
  • Tamaño: 1.85 - 2.36 MB
  • Descargas: 2323

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