Hija Del Destino

Resumen del libro

libro Hija Del Destino

She spoke of God and miracles. In the 50 years of her ministry she possibly testified personally to 100,000,000 people about the love and the power of God. Wherever she went, people who thought that miracles were not possible, believed because of her. Before she died, she asked only for Jaime Buckingham to write her biography. Here we have the story, not of a holy person, but of a human -marriage, divorce, treason in her administrative work- with dark events surrounding her death. It is the story of Kathryn Kyhlman that no one knows, but that she wanted to reveal. The story of a red headed girl from Missouri who became the principal evangelical woman of our times.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 254
  • Autor: Jamie Buckingham
  • Tamaño: 1.52 - 2.23 MB
  • Descargas: 1253

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