Anicos Del Crisol

Resumen del libro

libro Anicos Del Crisol

It is the true story of a girl born to Galician parents from NE Spain on an isolated area N. of Buenos Aires, raised in material and cultural poverty, the youngest of three siblings and the only girl, lamenting not been a male to become a sailor and see the world. Against all odds gets to attend a business oriented high school and starts working immediately after graduation, thats when her life starts to expand with the influence of Italian coworkers and Catalonian friends. At age 25 she buys her first home, at 27 achieves her dream of going to Europe, at 29 decides to go to the U.S. to really learn English, decides to remain and eventually becomes a citizen, she also re-builds a career from the bottom up retiring before turning sixty and spends the next 18 years traveling all over the world.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 190
  • Autor: Autora Anonima
  • Tamaño: 1.51 - 2.18 MB
  • Descargas: 1585

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