Town Houses

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libro Town Houses

As the frontier between between the street and intimacy of the interior, the facade concentrates the most interesting aspects of the composition and construction of the project. It is the face of the building, a privileged view onto the exterior, which connects with the neighboring buildings, in order to weave the urban fabric and close the profile of the street. Through recent examples by renowned international architects as Tadao Ando, Klaus & Kaan, Seth Stein, Vincent van Duysen and Bjarme Mastenbroek, among others, this monographic work analyzes the difficulty of integrating new residential volumes into sites that are particularly narrow and difficult due to their situation and environment, and making them connect with the context through exemplary technical and formal solutions.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 179
  • Autor: Arian Mostaedi
  • Tamaño: 1.68 - 2.37 MB
  • Descargas: 1643

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